21 Ways to Improve Your Resume
Aug 07, 2021

21 Ways to Improve Your Resume

Your resume is your get through for a job. It is a representation of your career trajectory to the hiring panel. Thus, your resume could become a door opener or a career stopper. Depending on how it gets presented to the recruiter’s desk.

Have you ever wondered how a resume reaches the recruiter?

Your resume goes through an application tracking system before reaching the recruiter. Once in their hands a recruiter will spend 15 seconds at the most to glance through it. And if you want your resume to go beyond these 15 seconds, you need to present it the best possible way.  

Being in the industry for the longest time were here to spill out some insider tips. That will help your resume stay error free, have ATS friendly keywords, and impress the recruiter.

Here we have a few tips that will make your resume break the barriers and gain you access to the hiring panel,

Make it visually appealing. Keep the formatting of your résumé readable, sharp and professional. Make sure there is adequate spacing between points. Use a clean easy to read font.

Use action verbs. Start your sentences with descriptive action verbs. They add power to your sentences. Try to reduce the usage of 'I' on the resume. Action verbs and short impact sentences gather more attention. 

Emphasize on Results. Employers stress that results achieved matter the most. Lace your resume with the accomplishments and outcomes you've delivered in past positions. Use numbers. Show the impact you have created. Innovations matter. List all new products, services, design, processes or system improvements you’ve made.

Use Keywords. Many companies us an application tracking system (ATS) while making the initial resume selection. Thus, keywords are vital to be noticed. Your keywords used on your resume should include your skills, competencies, relevant credentials. Keywords should be words that, at a glance, show the hiring manager that you are a good fit for the job.

Be concise. Refrain from long job descriptions. State exactly what is necessary, with least number of words to put the point across. Only provide qualifications that you have to best perform the job. Most employers say they quickly eliminate any broad scope or generalized resume.

Limit the number of pages. Try and keep your resume limited to a minimum of 2 pages. Employers take interest in work done in last few years of one’s career irrespective of the position they apply for. Skilfully edit career experiences detailing only the major duties performed with noticeable results. Delete all irrelevant details that will not be helpful in securing a particular position or level.

Use bullet pointers. It is faster and easier for recruiters to go through your resume if it is in a bullet pointer layout. It also spaces out the lines on the resume not making it look cluttered.

Summarize your Qualifications. Employers check this first. Point out your best skills and experiences in a short paragraph. This can also work as a mini - verbal business card that details what you bring to the new employer.

Ditch abbreviations or acronyms. Spell out names of schools, cities, business terms and titles completely. As employers may not recognize the abbreviation.

Use the correct tense. In all your sentences, use past tense since they imply that you “have done it” before. Employers focus on past results even if you are still currently performing the duty at your job.

Skip tables. Do not use a table to list competencies, skill sets or job descriptions. Most of the applicant tracking systems that employers use can’t read them and they come out as blank sections.

Avoid graphics. Avoid using artistic designs, colour inks, emojis, and photos. Almost all ATS software cannot read designs, colours or inks correctly. Often eliminating or changing anything it sees that is not text.

Don’t advertise negative information. Your resume is the wrong place to advertise facts that have a negative impact on your career. Instances like being laid off, fired, or had an extended illness are not to be stated. Never tell why you left a position; simply list the dates of employment.

Proofread your resume. Make sure to carefully read your resume before sending it out. There should be no spelling errors, typographic errors or other mistakes. Do not trust the spellcheck tools available online, always do a double take yourself.

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