Job Interview Preparation
Most interviews have gone online these days and if you have been active in the job market for a while, you would know that one of those initial rounds of interviews are conducted online if not all. Most interviews these days are done either through a telephone or video calls. With this being the sce..
Hiring A Good CV Writer
At some point in your career, you will come across this question – should you write your own resume or should you hire a CV writer to do the task for you. If you decide on getting a writer to make your resume, it is important that you take the below factors into consideration before engaging with ..
Guide To A Professional Cover Letter
You thought that cover letters were dead, maybe you are right in some sense. 90% of the hiring managers don’t read the cover letters you upload. However, the statistics show us that 61% of the employers prefer applicants who have uploaded a cover letter because it gives them that added feeling tha..
CV Writing Tips For Writers
Irrespective of your experience and expertise, CVs are valuable and important because they are your first communication with a potential employer. The presentation of a CV is the key to increasing your chances to get selected. For this reason alone, it should be carefully thought out, designed and w..
Visual Resume Format
A hiring manager makes up their mind in the initial few seconds. Does your CV appeal to them? Do they like the look of your resume layout or not? Should proceed further and spend time reading your resume or move on to the other candidates. A visually appealing resume will help to keep the recruiter..
Resume Trends In 2021
Writing a new resume or starting a new job, both give a mad rush of excitement and fear. But when you have the right resume for your professional needs, you have to worry about nothing at all. When you get past the starting trouble, writing a resume or CV is just a piece of cake. And that is exactly..
4 Key Points To Writing A Perfect Resume
COVID-19 is now a thing of the past, while some may think that this isn’t the best time for the job hunt, you must understand that the job market is back in full swing, and hiring across most industry verticals are happening in high volumes. So, waiting for the perfect moment will only ruin your c..
How To Write a Cover Letter?
Your cover letter is the best way to ensure the organization that you are the perfect candidate for the job position. And if you have followed all the steps that we have mentioned in the previous series of articles, you will know that writing an article is just a piece of cake. But when it comes to ..
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