CV For Employment In The EU
CV writing can be a tricky task for those who have little or no knowledge of writing one but yet they wish to leave a lasting impression on the recruiters. However, when it comes to creating a resume for employment in Europe, one has to follow the norms followed in that region in-order to have their CV accepted among employers in the region.
Besides, we can always ask for professional help, they can assist you achieve the best possible results. They can work according to your need and it is also less strenuous as the professionals will do the job of preparing the right CV that works for you in that market.
Most of the employers in the EU expect you to share the CV in the Europass format. The Europass format is more or less a text resume with a standardized format to it. We at Visual CV specialize in creating resumes for the European Countries
Below are the ways one can make an effective European CV:
- Provide Factual Data:
Ensure that you provide authentic data. For the European region, they prefer a chronological CV and it is important that you provide employment details right from your first employment with Employer Name, Period and Designation mentioned. You may want to elaborate on your roles and responsibilities or any significant contributions here.
- Length of the CV
Since the Europass format is a predefined format, you cannot control the length of the CV by changing the format or working on font usage or font sizes. However, to ensure that your CV is within 2-3 pages, mention only the important aspects that would make a difference to the hiring manager. At the same time, give importance to the keywords that recruiters may use for finding profiles similar to yours.
- Education and Experience:
The EU region gives importance to your education as much as it does to your work experience. Therefore, irrespective of the seniority that you come with, ensure that your academic credentials are also mentioned on your resume in a chronological order.
- Style and language of the CV:
Ensure that your CV is written in first voice and stick to British English, as the European region usually goes with a first voice. Most of the Applicant Tracking Engines in the EU follow the British standards.
- Using correct keywords:
Most employers in the EU, as with the rest of the world use the Applicant Tracking System to shortlist resumes. The ATS engines as we know, relies on keywords and the only way to beat the ATS engine and have the right kind of visibility is to give importance to keywords and use them wisely.
- Photograph:
Whenever we prepare a CV, we just assume that pasting a picture is a practice without which the CV is incomplete but we forget that different countries have different ways of carrying out their business and if we wish to be a part of that business then we have to follow their rules from basic to the advanced ones, without fail
You can choose to have the Europass CV created with or without a photograph since most of the European countries, consider a photograph on the CV as optional
Writing a CV is definitely a brainstorming task as our career depends highly on that. So we should be able to provide what is expected of us, in a way that we neither come across over-confident nor least interested. We should know the balance in between.
While applying abroad we should keep in mind all the relevant points. Also never forget to know the cultural difference, also should have the command over the language of the country we are applying to. By sticking to the format of the CV, we can surely find our desired job.
Do get in touch with us if you would like to have your resume created. You can reach us at 0091 7356625481 | julia@visualcvs.com | www.visualcvs.com
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