How to create a visual CV ?
Sep 11, 2021

How to create a visual CV ?

Stay ahead of the trends by creating a visual resume, which helps you make the best use of colours or infographics in the limited space provided. This will give your resume a unique reason to stand out of the crowd and make your profile get an instant meeting with the interviewer.

What is a visual resume?  

Visual resumes or graphic resumes or visual CVs are a unique way to display all the information found on a traditional resume in a more visually appealing way. This will be an added advantage due to the prevalence of visually-driven social media platforms. By using colours and graphics you can visually communicate with your interviewer. While the others are stuck verbally communicating through textual CVs.

Most visual CVs include utilizing infographics, charts and timelines to showcase an individual's accomplishments and career. 

How to create an effective visual resume?  

You can put together a visual resume that will help you stand out from other applicants; however, there are several tips and guidelines you should follow.

1. Focus on the content  

Your resume must emphasise content and include basic information like Professional title, skills, experience, education. Apart from which you can use action verbs to enhance your experience and achievements section in the resume. Your visual resume must highlight your details rather than replacing them.

2. Strategically organize your information  

Prioritize your information in the resume by highlighting it with visuals or strategic placement. Also, make sure that the resume contains the best keywords and has the best content in the market. Sometimes it is best to get professional help for this section. 

3. Utilize a portfolio  

While writing your visual CV you are under space constrain. So make the best use of the limited space provided by including links to your work. Like a portfolio or a link to your social media page. In this way, you can showcase your personality and the projects that you have done without complicating your resume visuals.

5. Perform a six-second test  

On average, the interviewer spends only 6 seconds on a resume. This means that your resume must impresser your interviewer within that given time. Instead of giving that job to an interviewer, set a timer for 6 seconds and read through the entire resume to see how easy it is to understand your resume.   

Though you can perform this test on your own, it can be helpful to have someone that hasn't already seen your resume conduct this assessment on your behalf.

Feeling overwhelmed about writing your resume? Don't fret! we are here to help you. Log in to or give us a call at +91 8929508662

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