Job Interview Preparation
Most interviews have gone online these days and if you have been active in the job market for a while, you would know that one of those initial rounds of interviews are conducted online if not all. Most interviews these days are done either through a telephone or video calls. With this being the scenario, how do you ace at creating that first impression.
Come up with a strong elevator pitch. Look at your elevator pitch as a trailer to a movie. It should give the viewer a complete understanding of what is to come and make them curious as well to know the rest. So, before you arrive at one, take a note of the job description at depth and see if your elevator pitch addresses most of the requirement if not all. Sync your pitch.
Ensure that your pitch is able to communicate how you are the best person to address the problems that the position is catering to. Practice the pitch over an over until you are convinced that you’ve got it on target. You could take help from your peers or friends and take their opinion into consideration as well to fine tune your pitch. You could go that extra mile to capture a video of you giving that pitch and see for yourself if it is convincing. Ensure that it is limited to 90 seconds.
With more and more rounds of interviews conducted over zoom and skype, it is important that you see for yourself how you present on camera. Confidence is the key and confidence come out of practice. On perfecting the pitch and gaining the confidence that you can deliver it flawless, its now time to prepare for the most cliched questions:
Why do you consider yourself an ideal candidate for this position?
What makes you different from the rest of the applicants who have applied for this position and
Why do you want to work here?
For all the above questions, how you start your answer is the key. Don’t start with I’ve done this in the past. Always start with your understanding of the role and then talk about how you are going to do it in the most efficient manner and then talk about how you’ve done it in the past. That is how you build confidence in the listener. You have to make it interesting.
You know that they are convinced and they want to go ahead with the further process, as it goes, you can expect the question from them if you have any questions for them. You’ve done all the hard work, now don’t let this phase of your interview spoil it. Refrain from asking questions revolving around people and work schedule. Don’t ask questions like what time do you have to sign into work or who am I going to be reporting to. All these are predetermined and you do not have an option here to change how things work there when you are new in the system.
We have over the years seen thousands of our clients get placed in domestic and international organizations and most had the similar feedback that a well-written CV gets them to the door and beyond that its how they are able to leverage on it to come out successful. We can help you get there and we are reachable at 0091 8929508662 | www.visualcvs.com | info@visualcvs.com
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