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Jul 13, 2023

What's the Best Way to Get Your Resume Noticed? Your Resume Upsets Recruiters: Insights from Hiring Managers

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As a Hiring Manager, I recently spent several grueling hours sifting through resumes for a Big 4 company. I embarked on this journey with high hopes of finding the perfect candidate, but alas, my enthusiasm quickly turned into frustration and even anger.

In this blog post, I'll share the common resume mistakes that left me feeling exasperated and offer some valuable tips to help you stand out from the crowd.

1. Lack of Personalization

One of the biggest issues I encountered was the prevalence of generic cover letters and resumes. Each applicant seemed to possess an impressive array of skills and experience, but they failed to showcase their relevance to our specific industry. It felt as though they could have applied to any company without knowing or acknowledging our business niche.

Tip: Research the company thoroughly and tailor your application materials to demonstrate your understanding of our industry. Show us why you're genuinely interested in working for our company, highlighting how your skills align with our goals.

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2. Ignoring Company Research

To my dismay, not a single cover letter mentioned anything about our company or the work they would be doing. It was disheartening to see that some applicants hadn't even bothered to visit our website before applying.

Tip: Take the time to familiarize yourself with the company's mission, values, and products/services. Mention specific aspects of our organization that appeal to you and demonstrate your enthusiasm for joining our team.

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3. Spelling and Grammar Mistakes

An alarming number of resumes contained spelling and grammatical errors, which immediately raised red flags. While I understand that English may not be everyone's first language, applicants who claim to be fluent in english should strive for accuracy.

Tip: Proofread your application materials meticulously and consider using online grammar and spell-check tools. Attention to detail and professional communication are essential skills in any role.

mistakes in my resume

4. Lack of Relevance in Portfolios

As we were hiring for a creative position, I expected applicants to showcase their talent through an online portfolio. Regrettably, the majority failed to include any work that related to our industry. Instead, I found portfolios featuring unrelated items such as medical devices or high-end jewelry.

Tip: Curate your portfolio to highlight projects that align with the position you're applying for. If you don't have relevant work samples, consider creating some mock projects or include examples of what inspires you within our industry.

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5. Incompatible Interests

One candidate claimed a deep interest in designing shoes and cars, leaving me puzzled as to why they applied to our company in the first place. It's crucial to demonstrate that you genuinely desire to work for us and possess a passion for our field.

Tip: Make sure your interests align with the job you're applying for. Explain why you're specifically drawn to our company and how your skills and aspirations complement our work.

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As a job seeker, it's essential to approach each opportunity with enthusiasm, attention to detail, and a genuine interest in the company you're applying to. By avoiding generic applications, personalizing your materials, proofreading diligently, showcasing relevant work, and expressing your genuine passion, you'll increase your chances of catching the attention of hiring managers and securing your dream job.

If you're struggling to create a standout resume that highlights your unique skills and experiences, consider seeking the assistance of a professional resume writing service like Visual CVs. Their team of experts can help you craft a premium resume tailored to your industry and the specific job you're targeting. Don't let your resume be the reason you miss out on great opportunities.

To learn more about Visual CVs and how they can elevate your job application, please contact them at +91 7010630927 or email

Remember, a well-crafted resume is your gateway to success. Don't let it be a source of frustration for hiring managers like me, who are desperately seeking the perfect fit for their team.

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